tak, belum lagi lah.
esok habis kuliah...yeehooo!!
cuti seminggu.
ehhhh!! jap!
esok boyfriend saya ada persembahan nyanyian sempena sambutan raya!!
hehehekk.. sy akan dtg memberi sokongan k..
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
happy sadness
tadi dh bukak posa ngn semua classmates. semua ada kot.
but only for a week ah.. its okay..;)
sayang all my classmates. they are the best among the rest.(ayat ika)
soooooooo, skang kna smbung assignments yg x abes2 lg.. hurhh.. tggl sket lagi okay.. heheheh.
- ajam
- amir
- azizah
- anisa
- adila
- iffah
- ika
- christina
- adeline
- feng
- jovin
- visa
- mogan
- qazin
- syakir
- rona
- fiona
- wee
- meeva
- hood syg
- saya lija
- nanad
- tehah
but only for a week ah.. its okay..;)
sayang all my classmates. they are the best among the rest.(ayat ika)
soooooooo, skang kna smbung assignments yg x abes2 lg.. hurhh.. tggl sket lagi okay.. heheheh.
malam tok klas mek owg plan mok plah sungkey sama2 kat kedey dpan maktab. last before masing2 balit kampung bah. so biak mpuan suma okay jak.. cuma tinggal cdak laki gk. macam2 jak alasan.. DEPENDS lah apa lah. marek cdak molah sungkey pun cdak x ajak dak mpuan.. tapi da ku kesah??? sukati lah cdak ya mok datang ka x. ada yg madah mpuan tok nyusahkan lah apalah. ingat diriknya bgus glak li.. tapi aku xmok lah komen sal nya.. molah kepak aku jak.. so mun cdak laki xmok bagi kerjasama, XBOH. biar mek owg mpuan jak plah. kmk org mpuan smua okay bah. heheheheh.. so, sepa mok join, juh kumpul 6.30 kat dpan maktab kayhhh. :D
Happy Birthday Ipah Saizini
hari ni bday classmate sy, ipah!
so sejam yang lepas kami buat "little prank" untuk dia.
para pelakon yang bersekongkol;
The Evil Bitches
baiklah aku nak sambung buat assignments..
urhhhhh!! bila nak siap?????
so sejam yang lepas kami buat "little prank" untuk dia.
para pelakon yang bersekongkol;
The Evil Bitches
- Adeline Bitch
- Christina Bitch
- Abbiey Bitch
- Anisa Bitch
- Rona Bitch
- Visa Bitch
- Fiona Bitch
- dan sudah semestinya saya.
- Dimulakan dengan lakonan cik adeline yg menangis..
- kami yang lain semua berpura2 risau.
- kemudian cik adeline tiba2 menghilangkan diri.
- saya mendapat sms bahawa cik adeline berada dipondok depan hostel.
- kami semua dengan ipah pg pondok untuk cheer cik adeline.
- cik wee, cik christina serta cik fiona sembunyi belakang pondok dengan tepung 1kg.
- setelah kami tiba dipondok, cik ipah DISERANG!! hahahahah
- semua kejar2 dengan tepung.
- tapi satu insiden yg x diingini berlaku.
- ketika cik christina mahu menyerang cik anisa, mereka bertempuh lalu terjatuh.secara slow motion.=.=
- kedua2 luka ditangan dan dilutut. kesian kan..
- tapi kami tetap enjoy okay..
- nasib xda apa yg serius.
baiklah aku nak sambung buat assignments..
urhhhhh!! bila nak siap?????
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
What im craving for recently.
bajet superman nak terbang bawak mcd pastu bagi melalui tingkap bilik kan..atau pun batman datang dgn kereta nya yang laju dan drift depan hostel lalu berkata, "nah ini mcd mu, sayangku." hurhhh. mimpi lah.
hari ni berbuka ngn maggi je..:(
selamat berbuka warga sungai petani.
bajet superman nak terbang bawak mcd pastu bagi melalui tingkap bilik kan..atau pun batman datang dgn kereta nya yang laju dan drift depan hostel lalu berkata, "nah ini mcd mu, sayangku." hurhhh. mimpi lah.
hari ni berbuka ngn maggi je..:(
selamat berbuka warga sungai petani.
my happiest moment!
happy? are you happy? am i happy?
okay, the happiest day or moment or hour or second in my life is when..........................when.....when....
...okay, tell you what, i'll get back to you when it happens.
okay, the happiest day or moment or hour or second in my life is when..........................when.....when....
...okay, tell you what, i'll get back to you when it happens.
Monday, August 22, 2011
C'mon try t' read me yaw.
“Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn’t it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up. You build up all these defenses, you build up a whole suit of armor, so that nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, wanders into your stupid life.. You give him a piece of you. They didn’t ask for it. They did something dumb one day, like kiss you or smile at you, then your life isn’t your own anymore. Love takes hostages. It gets inside you. It eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness. It hurts. Not just in the imagination. Not just in the mind. It’s a soul-hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain. I hate love.”
Until this moment, I never understood how hard it was to lose something you never had.
Can ye read wut m tryin'e say??
Friday, August 19, 2011
Give away and contest
banyak orang slalu join..teringin jugak nak join.. tapi tunggu lah.. hahahahahaha
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Currently loaded with ASSignments. Do you read me?
ASSignments!!! Haih..STRESS.
Lets try to reduce the stress..Have a laugh! :D
ASSignments!!! Haih..STRESS.
Lets try to reduce the stress..Have a laugh! :D
✿If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days, you would have produced enough sound energy to heat one cup of coffee. oh really??
✿If you passed-gas consistently for 6 years and 9 months, enough gas is produced to create the energy of an atomic bomb! now thats more i like it.
✿A pig's orgasm lasts 30 minutes. 30 minutes!! oh maii
✿A cockroach will live nine days without its head before it starves to death (Creepy). im still not over that pig!
✿Some lions mate over 50 times a day. the pig still win.hahahaha!!
✿Right handed people live, on average, 9 years longer than left-handed ones. im right-handed
✿Polar bears are left handed. if they switch, they'll live longer. :P
✿Humans and dolphins are the only species that have sex for pleasure. what about the pig? ahahahahah!!! Laughing,
Monday, August 15, 2011
header baru
tak dapat tido jadi saya buat header baru.
hehekk :)
budak baru belajar lagi okayy..
xtaw macam mana cara proper buat ni..
so lantak je..
hehekk :)
budak baru belajar lagi okayy..
xtaw macam mana cara proper buat ni..
so lantak je..
Happy Anniversary
ohh maii.
sudah genap ( atau genab?? ahh mana2 antara dua itu pun kamu faham kan ) sambung balik dah setahun rupanya belog saya.
Woww!! hahaha. Walaupun dah setahun dalam dunia blog, tapi saya masih lagi anggap diri saya ni NOOB. Atau newbie. sebab memang saya tak banyak pengetahuan dalam berblogging ni dan harap agar anda memberi tunjuk ajar yer.. :)
Azam baru? Perlu ke? hmm baiklah, saya cuma harap saya dapat teruskan blog saya sampai _____________.(fill in the blank yo.) ^..^
Actually saya baru balik dari latihan tarian ni.. kitorang kena invite buat persembahan masa event charity night diluar kampus nanti dan satu lagi event dalam kampus sempena mooncake festival..:) kena kerja keras lah jugak sebab masa agak suntuk.
Ohh btw, tadi mum called tanya khabar, saya bagitaw pasal tiket pergi KL nanti sebab my flight nanti raya from KL-KCH, so dari kedah kena naik bas dulu. Tiket semua dah beli dah tapi tadi tiba2 dad cakap, "why did you buy ticket to KL, dad booked your flight from Penang to Kuching not from KL. " Gosh gelabah haku.
Terus masa tu jugak pergi check my email, rupa2 nya my dad yg pelupa! Memang my flight from KL lah. Dupdapdupdap jantung saya taw nasib x heart attack. hokhok.
Yeay, raya saya balik and my sis dah janji nak pegi bazaar sama2. Anak2 buah pun ada sekali nanti..Yippy!! Cant wait.
Sebelum terlupa, sempena anniversary belog saya, saya ingin menghadiahi belog saya..
Next time saya bagi hadiah lagi marbeles taw! hekhek.
With love,
sudah genap ( atau genab?? ahh mana2 antara dua itu pun kamu faham kan ) sambung balik dah setahun rupanya belog saya.
Woww!! hahaha. Walaupun dah setahun dalam dunia blog, tapi saya masih lagi anggap diri saya ni NOOB. Atau newbie. sebab memang saya tak banyak pengetahuan dalam berblogging ni dan harap agar anda memberi tunjuk ajar yer.. :)
Azam baru? Perlu ke? hmm baiklah, saya cuma harap saya dapat teruskan blog saya sampai _____________.(fill in the blank yo.) ^..^
Actually saya baru balik dari latihan tarian ni.. kitorang kena invite buat persembahan masa event charity night diluar kampus nanti dan satu lagi event dalam kampus sempena mooncake festival..:) kena kerja keras lah jugak sebab masa agak suntuk.
Ohh btw, tadi mum called tanya khabar, saya bagitaw pasal tiket pergi KL nanti sebab my flight nanti raya from KL-KCH, so dari kedah kena naik bas dulu. Tiket semua dah beli dah tapi tadi tiba2 dad cakap, "why did you buy ticket to KL, dad booked your flight from Penang to Kuching not from KL. " Gosh gelabah haku.
Terus masa tu jugak pergi check my email, rupa2 nya my dad yg pelupa! Memang my flight from KL lah. Dupdapdupdap jantung saya taw nasib x heart attack. hokhok.
Yeay, raya saya balik and my sis dah janji nak pegi bazaar sama2. Anak2 buah pun ada sekali nanti..Yippy!! Cant wait.
Sebelum terlupa, sempena anniversary belog saya, saya ingin menghadiahi belog saya..
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sebiji kek yang lazat (plus cupcakes yg comel) |
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Sejambak mawar merah.(romantis kan saya) |
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keyboard made of chocolate. (nak taip ke makan?) |
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Jam tangan rolex!! betuah jadi belog aku. |
With love,
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Pengumuman apa ya?
Maaf ini bukan pengumuman raya. ngeh3
Actually tadi buat assignment, then cuaca sejuk nak tidur tapi tak boleh tidur lah. Text bf pun bf x reply, tidur kot. comel hekhek.♥ opps nyampah kan.
Sebenarnya tak ada pengumunan apa pun, saja nak bagitahu yang kini henpon nokia E6 yang saya baru beli dah loaded with 8 hours and 16 minutes of songs. Ceh padahal henpon tu dah sebulan lebih dalam tangan. Lambatnya haku. =..=''
Tapi lama dah x hapdet my songs so kebanyakan lagu2 lama last year so agak ketinggalan lah saya dalam bab ini. :( Yelah kan dah cakap kat post yg lepas saya dah lama x dengar2 lagu.
Sesiapa yg minat bab lagu ni boleh lah suggest lagu2 yg best. Apa2 genre pun boleh lah, i wanna give a shot. ^.^ Bajet ada orang baca kan. Hahahaha.
Apa apa pon nantikan post yang akan datang, saya nak post pasal jejaka kacak. Ngahahah.
Maaf ini bukan pengumuman raya. ngeh3
Actually tadi buat assignment, then cuaca sejuk nak tidur tapi tak boleh tidur lah. Text bf pun bf x reply, tidur kot. comel hekhek.♥ opps nyampah kan.
Sebenarnya tak ada pengumunan apa pun, saja nak bagitahu yang kini henpon nokia E6 yang saya baru beli dah loaded with 8 hours and 16 minutes of songs. Ceh padahal henpon tu dah sebulan lebih dalam tangan. Lambatnya haku. =..=''
Tapi lama dah x hapdet my songs so kebanyakan lagu2 lama last year so agak ketinggalan lah saya dalam bab ini. :( Yelah kan dah cakap kat post yg lepas saya dah lama x dengar2 lagu.
Sesiapa yg minat bab lagu ni boleh lah suggest lagu2 yg best. Apa2 genre pun boleh lah, i wanna give a shot. ^.^ Bajet ada orang baca kan. Hahahaha.
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Promote henpon pulak aku. Pakai lah henpon ni. Memudahkan saya berhubung dengan si dia yg tersayang. Huhukk :P |
Apa apa pon nantikan post yang akan datang, saya nak post pasal jejaka kacak. Ngahahah.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
sadis sungguh T..T
one of my favourite vlogger dah quit doing blog and vlog!!!
aaaaaa..so sad..:((
he is from sabah, he is so talented yet......
brrrrrrrrr.. xpa lah..i'll miss you. hope u will come back soon..:(
aaaaaa..so sad..:((
he is from sabah, he is so talented yet......
brrrrrrrrr.. xpa lah..i'll miss you. hope u will come back soon..:(
My Favourite Song ♥♥♥
Later after being with you I stop listening to songs, which I just noticed recently. I have been asking myself why. Why?? Have I lost the interest in music?
But every time when I got problem with you I start to listen to songs again. Why??
I spent hours and hours thinking about it today. I know it’s silly but then I realised something and I smiled.
I smiled because all these while, it is not because I’m not interested in music anymore. But only to discover that you are my music, my song, my favourite song, which I'll never get bored with. That's why when you are around, I never feel empty. :)
Do You Know That...
do you know that..do you know that..do you know that..
..i cant wait to get my ass back to home in about urmm.. more or less 13 days. yippy!! :D
..i cant sleep..i got tonnes and tonnes of assignments. but, nahh.. they can wait.ngahahahahah. such a lazy me. >.<
..oh yeah, my flu are getting better..thx to everyone that cares for me..:)
love u guys much much muchh..
..a house fly lives only 14 days.
..our eyes are always the same size from birth.
..unless food is mixed with saliva you can't taste it.
..a lobsters blood is colorless but when exposed to oxygen it turns blue.
..reindeer likes bananas.
okay okay stoppp..hahaha.
million of loves,
LadyLML :)
..i cant wait to get my ass back to home in about urmm.. more or less 13 days. yippy!! :D
..i cant sleep..i got tonnes and tonnes of assignments. but, nahh.. they can wait.ngahahahahah. such a lazy me. >.<
..oh yeah, my flu are getting better..thx to everyone that cares for me..:)
love u guys much much muchh..
..a house fly lives only 14 days.
..our eyes are always the same size from birth.
..unless food is mixed with saliva you can't taste it.
..a lobsters blood is colorless but when exposed to oxygen it turns blue.
..reindeer likes bananas.
okay okay stoppp..hahaha.
million of loves,
LadyLML :)
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Cursing Swearing and all Shits that Doesn't Matter..
I wanna stop cursing and swearing.
On second thought, i think i'll fucking pass.
Bad Sign?
August started rather cruel, especially to me i guess. :(
A lot of stuffs happened within these few days, which i prefer not to mention here. I just HOPE i can go through everything. With or without any companion. :(
These are a few inspiring quotes that i found useful to myself and they might be useful to some of u too. sharing is caring guys. :)
♥I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much. ~Mother Teresa
take care all :)
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Is it really that bad?? |
A lot of stuffs happened within these few days, which i prefer not to mention here. I just HOPE i can go through everything. With or without any companion. :(
These are a few inspiring quotes that i found useful to myself and they might be useful to some of u too. sharing is caring guys. :)
♥I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much. ~Mother Teresa
♥You can't run away from trouble. There ain't no place that far. ~Uncle Remus
♥Bad is never good until worse happens. ~Danish Proverb
♥We turn to God for help when our foundations are shaking, only to learn that it is God who is shaking them. ~Charles C. West
♥When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile. ~Author Unknown take care all :)
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
i went to the clinic to check on my flu fever.
then the doctor told me i have low blood pressure.
im not very good at biology, so i googled and this is what i found on the net.
Low blood pressure (hypotension)
Symptoms may include:
then the doctor told me i have low blood pressure.
im not very good at biology, so i googled and this is what i found on the net.
Low blood pressure (hypotension)
Is low blood pressure bad for your health?
People who have lower blood pressures have a lower risk of stroke, kidney disease, and heart disease. Athletes, people who exercise regularly, people who maintain ideal body weight, and non-smokers tend to have lower blood pressures. Therefore, low blood pressure is desirable as long as it is not low enough to cause symptoms and damage to the organs in the body.
but i have most of these symptoms.. :(
Symptoms may include:
- Blurry vision
- Confusion
- Dizziness
- Fainting
- Light-headedness
- Sleepiness
- Weakness
i also found this;
There are three main types of hypotension:
- Orthostatic hypotension, including postprandial orthostatic hypotension
- Neurally mediated hypotension (NMH)
- Severe hypotension brought on by a sudden loss of blood (shock), infection, or severe allergic reaction.
i think i have the second one. (NMH)
What is neurally mediated hypotension?
Neurally mediated hypotension is also known by the following names: the fainting reflex, neurocardiogenic syncope, vasodepressor syncope, the vaso-vagal reflex, and autonomic dysfunction. Hypotension is the formal medical term for low blood pressure, and syncope is the term for fainting. Neurally mediated hypotension occurs when there is an abnormal reflex interaction between the heart and the brain, both of which usually are structurally normal.
When does neurally mediated hypotension lead to symptoms?
Neurally mediated hypotension occurs in susceptible individuals in the following settings:
- after prolonged periods of quiet upright posture (such as standing in line, standing in a shower, or even sitting up for long periods),
- after being in a warm environment (such as in hot summer weather, a hot crowded room, a hot shower or bath),
- immediately after exercise,
- after emotionally stressful events (seeing blood or gory scenes, being scared or anxious).
- some individuals get symptoms soon after eating, when blood flow has shifted to the intestinal circulation during the process of digestion.
but i dont think im at the critical level now.
just having the minor symptoms sometimes.
Far from home :')
Maybe it was a fate, maybe it was a coincidence or maybe it was something else that i never thought of. Out of all the places, i was sent to study here in IPSAH, Sungai Petani, Kedah. Syukurlah diberi peluang utk terus menimba ilmu. Ilmu itu bukan sahaja datang dr buku, bahkan datang dengan banyak lagi cara yg kita tak pernah sangka.
Jauhnya dri Sarawak. Bukan keluhan kerana tiada penyesalan pun. Bahkan rasa bertuah diberi peluang untuk observe cara hidup orang lain semasa usia yg sebegini. Sambil belajar, sambil merantau.
Tapi tak semua kami org Borneo yg dihantar kesini, orang senang. Macamana kami survive? There are so many ways. Masa-masa macam ni, teringat pulak kesah dulu. bukan kesah sy, tapi orang lain.
Last time there was a good student from our school that only can afford to further his study in form 6. After sitting STPM, his results was very good. So, he got an offer to further his study in UPSI, Perak. Unfortunately, he cannot afford to even buy the air ticket to Perak. So my mom help to sponsored his whatever needs to get there. Mom you are the best teacher and mother at the same time. Today, that person is already a working degree teacher. What do you think he would be if my mom doesnt offer that help to him? Can you see how a simplest kindness could help A HUMAN BEING change his whole life.
Kat IPSAH ni pun ada jgak org2 yang kurang bernasib baik. Some of the Malays, cant even go back to celebrate raya with their family. For me thats sad. Sebab kami yang agak bernasib baik ni walaupun tak sambut raya, tapi mampu balik kerumah. Syukur sangat YA TUHAN. One day, i'll help one of them at least. Balik nanti i wanna request my father to send my scooter here. Dan sy nak bagi org yg memerlukannya pakai and i have somebody in mind. Yelah, org yg dekat-dekat senang lah bawak kereta apa semua. How about us? Lagi-lagi kalau bukan orang senang. Paying for the air ticket, paying the taxi, renting a car..its not cheap and bukan semua dapat buat macam tu. Lain lah ada kawan yg IKHLAS tolong. Kadang2 kami yg DITOLONG ni, sedar jugak, mungkin kami menyusahkan anda. Terima kasih lah kepada yg selalu ikhlas menolong. Ada jugak banyak yg selalu tolong org2 yg kurang senang. Dan mereka adalah orang2 yg baik.
Lastly i cant wait to get back to home. 16 days to go.
Maaf kalau ada tersilap cakap. thank you for reading :)
maaf juga bahasa mixed up.
Jauhnya dri Sarawak. Bukan keluhan kerana tiada penyesalan pun. Bahkan rasa bertuah diberi peluang untuk observe cara hidup orang lain semasa usia yg sebegini. Sambil belajar, sambil merantau.
Tapi tak semua kami org Borneo yg dihantar kesini, orang senang. Macamana kami survive? There are so many ways. Masa-masa macam ni, teringat pulak kesah dulu. bukan kesah sy, tapi orang lain.
Last time there was a good student from our school that only can afford to further his study in form 6. After sitting STPM, his results was very good. So, he got an offer to further his study in UPSI, Perak. Unfortunately, he cannot afford to even buy the air ticket to Perak. So my mom help to sponsored his whatever needs to get there. Mom you are the best teacher and mother at the same time. Today, that person is already a working degree teacher. What do you think he would be if my mom doesnt offer that help to him? Can you see how a simplest kindness could help A HUMAN BEING change his whole life.
Kat IPSAH ni pun ada jgak org2 yang kurang bernasib baik. Some of the Malays, cant even go back to celebrate raya with their family. For me thats sad. Sebab kami yang agak bernasib baik ni walaupun tak sambut raya, tapi mampu balik kerumah. Syukur sangat YA TUHAN. One day, i'll help one of them at least. Balik nanti i wanna request my father to send my scooter here. Dan sy nak bagi org yg memerlukannya pakai and i have somebody in mind. Yelah, org yg dekat-dekat senang lah bawak kereta apa semua. How about us? Lagi-lagi kalau bukan orang senang. Paying for the air ticket, paying the taxi, renting a car..its not cheap and bukan semua dapat buat macam tu. Lain lah ada kawan yg IKHLAS tolong. Kadang2 kami yg DITOLONG ni, sedar jugak, mungkin kami menyusahkan anda. Terima kasih lah kepada yg selalu ikhlas menolong. Ada jugak banyak yg selalu tolong org2 yg kurang senang. Dan mereka adalah orang2 yg baik.
Lastly i cant wait to get back to home. 16 days to go.
Maaf kalau ada tersilap cakap. thank you for reading :)
maaf juga bahasa mixed up.
a quote from my old post (2010)
hidup di dunia ni, kita tak boleh puas kan hati semua orang, KITA JUGA TAK BOLEH HARAPKAN SEMUA ORANG PUASKAN HATI KITA.
hidup di dunia ni, kita tak boleh puas kan hati semua orang, KITA JUGA TAK BOLEH HARAPKAN SEMUA ORANG PUASKAN HATI KITA.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Accidentally in Love
cehhh, title macam lagu Counting Crows pulak kan..kalau xtau cepat pg tanya abg google..hehe.
baik lah isi kandungan post kali ini xda kaitan pun dgn title diatas.
actually tadi klua ngn Mr.hood dan kawan kawan..
bajet pegi berbuka puasa sama2 la..
but then after that, something bad happened. :(
i hit a motorcycle masa reverse kereta..thank god motor tu x ada penumpang. dia parking kat blakang kereta.. thats why sy xnampak. :(
then Mr.hood pg negotiate dgn org tu..naseb baek org tu xmrh just mintak bayar rm50 je. So Mr.hood bayar la td then settle smua..:) tQ dear..
So lepas tu my mood spoiled. Sorry dear ruin our moment tadi..Tapi Mr.hood sabar je layan kan...:')
then i called my mum and told her the whole story. tapi kan kan kan.. my mum laugh at me..jahat kan mummy..tpi syg mummy sbb x marah pun. :)
P/s: bengang ngn org yg pinjam kereta sblm kami td..lambat dkat nak sejam. thats why kami rushing...pssssttttt!!! len kali tepati la masa.hurhhh.
thats all.. nak buat kerja pulak :)
baik lah isi kandungan post kali ini xda kaitan pun dgn title diatas.
actually tadi klua ngn Mr.hood dan kawan kawan..
bajet pegi berbuka puasa sama2 la..
but then after that, something bad happened. :(
i hit a motorcycle masa reverse kereta..thank god motor tu x ada penumpang. dia parking kat blakang kereta.. thats why sy xnampak. :(
then Mr.hood pg negotiate dgn org tu..naseb baek org tu xmrh just mintak bayar rm50 je. So Mr.hood bayar la td then settle smua..:) tQ dear..
So lepas tu my mood spoiled. Sorry dear ruin our moment tadi..Tapi Mr.hood sabar je layan kan...:')
then i called my mum and told her the whole story. tapi kan kan kan.. my mum laugh at me..jahat kan mummy..tpi syg mummy sbb x marah pun. :)
P/s: bengang ngn org yg pinjam kereta sblm kami td..lambat dkat nak sejam. thats why kami rushing...pssssttttt!!! len kali tepati la masa.hurhhh.
thats all.. nak buat kerja pulak :)
2nd August 2011
okayy.. what happened a while ago at 11.30pm in F3J class?
euwww.. i can still smell the mixture of raw eggs with durian..
can u imagine this mixture being thrown at u REPEATEDLY without compassion? hhohoho.
urghhhh..oh man that was an epic moment!!.hahahaha
yup its a birthday prank..luckily its not for me but for my course mate, musfadhly (rona's bf).
happy birthday mus :)
kali ini rona yg jadi mastermind aa..ehehe.
u guys are really the cutest and the sweetest couple at ipsah!!! ehehehekkk.
take care of each other okay :D
euwww.. i can still smell the mixture of raw eggs with durian..
can u imagine this mixture being thrown at u REPEATEDLY without compassion? hhohoho.
urghhhh..oh man that was an epic moment!!.hahahaha
yup its a birthday prank..luckily its not for me but for my course mate, musfadhly (rona's bf).
happy birthday mus :)
kali ini rona yg jadi mastermind aa..ehehe.
take care of each other okay :D
comel kan?? love u rona :)
evident dihapuskan takut guard marah bah :P
okay this photo is not related at all..ngahahaha.tp aku nak jgak.
hood was there too..he was also conspired to make sure the prank was successful..ngehehehe.. sorry MUS :)
baiklah itu saja :D
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
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