Taw kan apa itu ukulele. Kalau tak taw pegi la google. Hihi. Skrg tgh blaja men ukulele. Tak susah, senang je. Baru blaja smlm, dh bleh men mcm2 lagu dh.. seronok bla dh pandai men gitar, pastu blaja alat muzik len plak. And next time target nak blaja guitalele plak. Haa.. penah dgr x guitalele. Yg x pnah dgr g la google lagi. Guitalele hampir sama dgn ukulele. It's actly a combination of guitar and ukulele. Tgk nama pun dh taw kan. Cuma guitalele ni pitch dia tinggi lagi.. hehe. Ok kat atas tu ada satu screenshot vdeo yg aku post kat instagram. Slrg kan dh ada instavideo. Saja nak try instavideo tu smlm.
Monday, June 24, 2013
Friday, June 21, 2013
Sometimes i wonder, why am i no longer doing what i love to do when i was in school. My passion for many things disappeared just like that. Why do i no longer like math, why do i no longer draw or paint, why do i stop playing games and whatsoever? It is true people are always changing. Today, after about 6 years i tried to draw again. Of cause, it came out like a school kid's drawing. Hihi. It was just for fun. Because this semester we are taking Seni Dlm Pndidikan paper. So my lecturer asks us to buy drawing block, many sizes of pencils, oil pastel and soft pastel. So today after class i went out to buy all those materials. After reaching campus, i was too curious to use the soft pastel because it is my first time buying and using soft pastel. Really no idea how to use 'em. When i was painting, i realised that i used to love arts so much, and i kept thinking why i stopped. Haha. Tua dah. Maybe because im taking TESL so i dont really have the chance to draw much.
So as a result, this is what happened when a teslian draws.
Oh. Sorry that the photos of my drawings are before the entry. Smthg happened to my blog and i cant change it. LOL. Gedeiii ♥
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Long Day
I feel like today will never end. Why? We have classes with no gap from 8am to 1pm. And we have to walk around the campus to change classes from time to time. Ughhh. So inconvenient right? Now, Im hungry, thirsty and tired.
*hai christina, are u reading this? Haha!
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
PISMP TESL Semester 4
sepanjang tahun ni, pelbagai event yg terjadi, tapi tak sempat utk aku selitkan semua disini.. cuti yg lepas, salah seorg bff aku telah diijab kabulkan. TAHNIAH my dear Nur Syafika Mezlan dan suami Iqhuan :)
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org len yg kawen aku yg berinai.hhihi. |
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BFF yg lama x jmpa |
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BFFs dengan pengantin buat "love" |
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BFFs- Bakal pengantin :P hope so |
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kedua mempelai yg berseri2 |