wahh..lamanya x update blog ni..hampir mati dah ke.. kcian nye..
so many great things happened so many times in my lovely life recently.
i dont know which one to start.
of course i wont forget the most amazing birthday i had in my entire life--9 february 2012. ;D
my super duper great friends did a surprise party for me at almost exactly 12 am!
why do i say its amazing? because throwing a surprise party for a friend while having a "out of budget" problem is certainly amazing for me. thats what they did. yeah my birthday falls on the month where almost everyone in this campus are considered "broke". because we havent received our allowance yet! how sweet of my friends, and they even bought me presents.
i must take this opportunity to thank them. although, i didnt mention f2f that i love u guys, but guyssss!! im sure you know..right? <3
these are the great people :)
ni kek dorg bagi.. 21 tahun dh kan.. nak daftar ngundi ;P |
another great thing happened during my birthday. my boyfie hood, acting like he was seriously broke, apparently had plan something big and unexpected for me. he kept apologising on that day that he was so sorry he couldnt get me any present as the allowance was not yet received. he said he would make it up to me as soon as we receive the allowance. of course i believed him and i wasnt angry at all considering the situation we were in. i told him its okay. but he still took me out on a date to treat me that day. after the date he sent me back to my dorm. but here's the big thing. before i went back, he told me that i left my thing in the car boot. so i went out of the car and opened it. OMG. i was so surprised that the second i saw the thing inside the boot, i accidentally closed the boot."banggg" kind of a involuntary action there. i went back inside the car and i cried. not because im sad but because he is too amazing. ;) he gave me a guitar, which ive been planing to buy for myself as my own birthday present.....then only i knew from my friends that he had been planing the surprise behind me already.... i love you so much <3 you are amazingly wonderful.
gitar hadiah paling awesome dri yg tersayang :) |
sory if the post have so many grammatical mistakes. i just type this very quickly bcause i have a quiz tmro. :(
so busy with assignments and quizes and presentation recently!
now sukan tahunan pulak dkat maktab ni you know~~~
i lari 100m tadi and got 3rd place dlm kumpulan tu.. lama nya x lari..sakit2 kaki dah.. so funny lari atas padang sebab before ni lari atas track je.. so tadi kat padang sempat lagi elak2 lopak air n lubang..hahaha.
so i guess i need to do my revisions now. jom la kita study together...
cikgu lija sayang kamu smua <3