pointer? 3.23only :(
it's not really something to be proud of..yeah.. im actually not really satisfied with it sebab tak mencapai target pun. But, im grateful and thankful!! hehe..sekarang dah lulus foundation..n welcome to degree!! hopefully degree will treat me nicely. oraittt..;) seronok nak jumpa classmates next sem..tahniah to them too sbab lulus jugak. degree must be harder and tougher..semoga all of us dapat sama2 laluinya..hihi.
oh yeah! guess what? im learning to play guitar from my brother. bestnye.. sekarang dah pandai main sket2.. dah boleh main lagu yang simple2..hihi..tapi sekarang belajar guna electric lain sket.. so next sem hajat nak beli gitar sendiri..actually i've been wanting a guitar since a long time ago.. tapi tak pernah nak now im serious bro!! hihi.
mr.snuggle keeps me company. |
im outa here ;P